Why subscribe?

Because I write about things that I find inherently silly in our society - particularly internet whores and idiots and the ones we find in real life. I’ll also talk about my misadventures of being creative (which isn’t just about blase enough - but never really fully honestly talked about,) and what I do to become more of the person I should be on some level which is kind of weird for me. :)

Stay up-to-date

You’ll get my posts when I feel like posting about writing about deep thoughts. This is my brain lubing up for the day - or I’ll probably talk about some stupid stuff to make you laugh.


Now, let me let you know that I never do anything half-assed. See, the people that call themselves the legion or a legion - they just wanna do it halfway. I go hardcore.

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All Things Christie Shinn and Maybe Other Shit I Do


I draw shit for myself and other people. Ringo-award winner. I draw and write stupid, funny shit. Creator of Demon Bitch. I do Lunch Hour at NOON PST on ALL the CHANNELS. COMMISSIONS OPEN.